

just a mississippi gal trying to do her thing in the midwest

willow & moon.

willow & moon.

This week I’ve had the opportunity to partner with Willow & Moon and their luxury hemp-infused beauty line. While I’ve never used beauty products infused with hemp before, I was eager to try them because of all of the additional health benefits they contain.

In case you aren’t sure about hemp - I want to clarify a common misconception. Hemp contains no THC, so it has no psychedelic side effects. 

Willow & Moon’s website does a great job explaining the purposes and benefits of their luxury products: “Topical hemp infused products most enticing attributes are its anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-killing) properties. Scientists are finding more evidence that it can treat dry skin, psoriasis, and eczema, which is why the ingredient is popping up in so many face creams, serums, and body lotions. Inflammation is the root of evil in the body, whether it manifests in pain, stress, fatigue, skin problems and/or signs of aging.”

Now, on to the good stuff!

1. Twilight Sugar Polish: Over the years, I’ve tried multiple sugar scrubs, and while I never disliked any of them necessarily, I didn’t love them either.  I often find that most sugar scrubs leave my skin feeling like it has an oily residue sitting on it - so while my skin feels soft, it also feels like I need to wash off whatever the remaining oily substance is. 

This was absolutely not the case with Willow & Moon’s product. For starters, the consistency was different - theirs was thicker, and didn’t feel oily in the least. After using it, my skin felt noticeably smoother, but didn’t have all of the weird residue build up. I had planned on only testing it on my legs, but after realizing how amazing it was, I found myself scrubbing down my entire body haha. As far as scent goes, this product had the faintest scent of all of the products - while it still smelled good, it was not overwhelming.


2. Northern Lights Vanilla Whipped Body Butter: To start off, I want to say that it all but physically hurt me to test this product because I didn’t want to mess up the rose design that the body butter was molded in - it was much too aesthetically pleasing. But alas, duty calls. (Lolz what a tough life.)

When I scooped into the body butter, I was honestly taken aback by the consistency. The jar itself feels so light, so I expected the butter to feel that way also. Wrong. The body butter is very dense, and a little goes a really long way. You can see in the picture the amount that I (very carefully haha) dug out, and that small amount was enough to cover all of my legs and part of my arms. 

While I really loved all of the products Willow & Moon sent, I think this one was my favorite - between how smoothly it went on and left my skin feeling, and the scent (ABSOLUTELY HEAVENLY, I MIGHT JUST EAT IT - it’s sweet, but not too sweet. And it doesn’t smell at all like what you imagine when you think of vanilla scented products), I am completely sold on this product.

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3. Moonlight Purple Jojoba Aloe Mask - Generally speaking, I’m not a face mask girl, and have only tried a handful of different masks in my lifetime. I don’t like how, more often than not, when I wash the mask off, my skin feels taut and almost dried out.  Because of that, I wasn’t sure that I was going to like their product. 

Let’s just say, I should have known better.  Their aloe mask left my face feeling anything other than dried out. Unlike other face masks that I’ve used, their product was pretty thin and didn’t feel “gloopy” while it sat on my face. At one point during my bath, I forgot that it was on my face until I touched it and realized that I hadn’t already washed it off. When I got out of my bath and looked in the mirror, I noticed that my face didn’t have the redness to it that I usually associate with face masks as well. 

The scent of this mask smelled so familiar to me, but I can’t put my finger on it. Compared to the other scents, the aloe mask was less sweet and more earthy, but still smelled really good.


4. Calypso Bath Bomb: This. This is the product that I smelled when I opened the box and immediately thought “wow this packaging smells good.”  The Calypso bath bomb is infused with lavender, and left my entire bathroom smelling like a flower field, even long after my bath was over. (So much so that Colin walked in and noted that it smelled really good - so that must be saying something haha.)

At the end of my bath bomb, there’s a fun surprise too - each of Willow & Moon’s bath bombs contain a hidden crystal at the center. (While different bath bombs have different crystals, the Calypso has an amethyst). It’s also infused with lavender essential oil, which has a calming effect, which is exactly what I’m going for when taking a bath.


All that to say, I have no doubt that I will be purchasing products from Willow & Moon in the future. If you’re interested in trying hemp-infused products, I strongly suggest the luxury beauty products that they provide. 

Check them out here!



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